This week's IF challenge was the word; Natural. This fiery little person jumped into my sketchbook and told me:
'This morning I was a frog,
at dance class I was a flamingo
and now I am a lion and I won't go to sleep!'.
Being Natural...
This week's IF challenge was the word; Natural. This fiery little person jumped into my sketchbook and told me:
'This morning I was a frog,
at dance class I was a flamingo
and now I am a lion and I won't go to sleep!'.
Being Natural...
A pair of red socks can dye a whole load of laundry pink… For some reason this was the first idea that came to my mind when I considered ideas for illustration Friday's challenge; the word 'red'. I wondered how beautiful and etherial a whole lot of clothes and sheets that turned pink would look from the dreamy point of view of a child. And was inspired to create this watercolor illustration.
'Red' a watercolor illustration by Ella Lapointe
Spark of spring
I've been experimenting with a bit of collage lately. It's such a great way to overcome perfectionism and get into a playful and experimental mood. I have been inspired by this week's Illustration Friday challenge, the word; 'Spark' to create a fairy or pixie called spark, it took a bit of a turn towards something different… but I still enjoyed the process.
You know those afterthought Valentine's Day cards when you just grab the nearest thing and make it work?! Yeah those. Sometimes all one has are good intentions and anyway: Love is all you need.
This week's illustration Friday challenge was the word Prehistoric.
I thought to myself: "hmm… 'Prehistoric', that's a tricky one… Cave drawings?! People wearing animal skins?!"
I found myself gravitating more and more to over thinking and unnecessarily complicating the whole thing, wishing I knew more about those ancient times (before recorded time), oh well… Seen as Valentine's Day is fast approaching and it is much too easy to forget that friendship is a very special and precious kind of Love, I decided to draw a boy who has a green dinosaur as his best friend.
A prehistoric best friend
'Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!' This week's Challenge was the word "Disguise". I was inspired to explore this theme from the perspective of disguising one's feelings or identity. Here's the watercolor illustration I came up with.
Here's a sketch which I hoped to paint in watercolor for this week's Illustration Friday topic- the word 'Beginning', It may stay as a 'beginning of 'beginning' for lack of time...
I've always loved to draw.
November 22-28th the challenge was the word: "Shadow". I had quite a few ideas, all of which only made it into my sketchbook as rough sketches.
"Shadow" a drawing by Ella Lapointe.
This Week's challenge was the word 'Tail'. I found this wonderful poem by A. A. Milne that says it all...
A lion has a tail and a very fine tail,
And so has an elephant, and so has a whale,
And so has a crocodile, and so has a quail–
They’ve all got tails but me.
If I had sixpence I would buy one;
I’d say to the shopman, ‘Let me try one’;
I’d say to the elephant, ‘This is my one.’
They’d all come round to see.
Then I’d say to the lion, ‘Why, you’ve got a tail!
And so has the elephant, and so has the whale!
And, look! There’s a crocodile! He’s got a tail!
You’ve all got tails like me!’
Alan Alexander Milne
The poem: 'Tails' by A. A. Milne, illustrated by Ella Lapointe.
This week's challenge was: "Energy". I had a few ideas mostly involving children or pets and their seemingly unlimited energy in contrast with the adults in their lives... Upon further consideration however, I felt inspired to take it in a different direction and focus on a more inward, subtle kind of energy. I thought of the invisible and inexplicable, yet very real, healing effect of a mother's kiss. This poor little boy fell off his bike and is rather upset but don't worry! soon he will feel much better.
"Mother will kiss it better", an original watercolor illustration by Ella Lapointe.
This week's Illustration Friday challenge was the word "secret". Inspired to take this one in an unexpected direction, I explored playing with various meanings of the word "secret"; as in "the secret to a good marriage…" "having a secret identity" or "a secret passion". Sometimes being a superhero means confronting epic piles of dishes in the kitchen… Here's the mixed media illustration I came up with
A mixed media illustration to the theme: "secret", by Ella Lapointe
This week's Illustration Friday challenge was the word: "Creature". It has been a very busy week and the laundry keeps piling up, in various evolutionary stages, waiting to either be washed, folded or put away. Well, at least it provides inspiration!!! My two year old niece, in London, just loves messing up a hamper of freshly folded clothes... Here's what I came up with.
"Creature", a mixed media illustration by Ella Lapointe.
Oh Boy what a week it has been!!! I've been entangled in so many different projects, pulling me in every possible direction… I can't believe I somehow managed to make something for this week's Illustration Friday challenge: Entangled. Here's the pen and marker illustration I came up with.
"Entangled", a pen and marker illustration by Ella Lapointe.
This weeks illustration Friday's challenge was the word Moustache. Surprisingly, upon visiting IF, I saw that my first few ideas were already executed and submitted by other artists. It's funny to realize how we are all sourcing from the same pool of inspiration (and no, I don't mean the internet)… Anyway, here's what I finally came up with: a watercolor illustration of trying to come up with an idea- sometimes the answer is right under your nose...
A watercolor illustration by Ella Lapointe for the "Illustration Friday" challenge: "Mustache" .
This week's Illustration Friday word was "Underwater". I didn't have a lot of extra time this week so, going against my natural tendency to overcomplicate things, I went with a simple fish motif. Here's the little watercolor piece that I made. It is inspired by what it is like to look down into a fish bowl, seeing the movement of the water and the fish.
"Underwater" a fish illustration by Ella Lapointe.